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  • Writer's pictureGabriel Fassenfelt

Tuesday 27/4/21 - Presentation

Updated: Apr 28, 2021

Today I was tasked with experimenting with presentation styles as preparation for showcasing the outcome of my work. After being shown a range of different artists and how they’ve used a range of methods to present their work I found some initial ideas that I noted down. I particularly liked an artist who projected live CCTV footage onto a small card model that fit the shape of different aspects in the footage. They also used mirrors to project multiple CCTV cameras at the same time. I also was really interested in an artist who projected videos of faces onto trees and also experimented projecting them onto mist which created a broken effect and make the projections move around slightly.

I made a range of notes of my ideas and plans for experimenting with presentation.

I also noted down my after thoughts based on the results of the experiments

When it came to presenting I decided to experiment with sound. Since the animation had no audio yet I could add what I wished. I was stuck between two pieces of emotional music that I felt complimented the animation. One felt more intimate whereas the other felt more atmospheric. The first being On the nature of Daylight which is a contemporary classical piece. The second being Deference for Darkness which is a jazz inspired piece.

In the end I chose the latter as atmosphere was really important to me and I was inspired by the moody streets of Blade Runner alongside it’s soundtrack that also used Jazz inspiration.

This was played alongside a random video that had thunder and rain sound effects. They both worked well together and enhanced the overall atmosphere of the video. The randomness of the weather made it feel more authentic to real thunder as the lightning can often be seen before hearing the thunder, this delay happened a lot between the light in my animation and the sound. I also got some insight into how to balance sound and how the thunder being loud still could work with a relatively calm piece of music, creating a contrast.

I was really happy with the overall outcome of this, seeing a single scene work so well made me feel that even if I don't find enough time to make the film as I wanted it, I can still find a new way of creating suspense and an atmospheric short film.

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